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  • Douglas Johnston

30th July 2021

Giving to charity can be a nice feeling, but often your journey ends with your donation - as you don’t know where the money goes, how it is spent, or whether someone has really benefited from your gift. But as this is a grassroots charity, we can tell you all these things, so you can see exactly where your donations went.

So today we are giving you an update on Vuong’s story - the clothes sewer from the Tay ethnic minority. Vuong received approximately $350 Australian from your donations. About $60 of this was spent on helping him catch up on his rent. Another $60 was spent on his grandmother so she could get the medicine she requires to get better. About $200 went towards helping Vuong get a little moped so he can get to and from work. And the remaining $30 is to cover the return journey bus tickets for Vuong to go visit his little brother still living in the orphanage.

All in all, I think that is pretty good! And to show his appreciation of everyone’s generosity, Vuong has sent a selfie of himself with a handwritten sign that says “Thank you” in Vietnamese, and a photo of his new moped.

So for those of you who can, please donate so we help more of the orphans who’ve left the orphanage get on their feet.

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