Getting an education is not always a reality for every child - especially for ethnic minority children who live high up in the mountains, far away from any school. If these same children end up in the orphanage, they will have the opportunity to attend a local primary school. But as most of them don’t know any Vietnamese (and therefore must start their education from grade 1 or 2), they may not progress further than elementary school before turning 18 and leaving the orphanage.

Hau is from one such village near the very tip of Northern Vietnam. He too is from the H’mong ethnic minority, and came into the orphanage in 2013 before leaving 4 years later in 2017. Hau is now living and working about 450kms (280 miles) south from his hometown. He has been working and trying to save his money so that he can take a course at a local tertiary institution to gain some skills and have better job prospects in the future. But of course COVID-19 has made work more scare for Hau, and he is about $300 shy of having enough money to pay for the course.
So if you can, please donate to help orphans like Hau who want to have access to an education and a better future.