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1st July 2021

Douglas Johnston

UPDATE: First of all we’d like to thank everyone who has donated to our cause! We have raised $500 so far, which is a good first step, and we hope that we can raise more for the orphans who have left the orphanage and are struggling to set themselves up.

Secondly, a few weeks ago we made a post about Lo who has a cataract in one of his eyes. We have since confirmed that the Fred Hollows Foundation does in fact do free operations in about six provinces in Vietnam - one of which is Ha Giang where Lo is living. So we have contacted their local branch to see if we can get Lo on to a waiting list or what the next steps might be.

Next, Vietnam has been experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases all over the country recently. As far as we are aware, none of the orphans in the orphanage (or those who have left) have contracted the virus, and we’ve heard that the orphanage has additionally put itself in lockdown over the summer vacation to reduce the likelihood that the orphans would contract it either.

And lastly, thank you again to everyone who has been sharing our cause, and please keep doing so!

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